Wednesday 7 August 2013

Rainbow Honey Mint Flavor Swatch and Review (Bonus: Rainbow Honey I Miss You, Rainbow Honey Costa Del Sol)

So I started using these... (don't laugh)... multi-vitamin gummies. They seem kind of hoaky. It would be nice if they were actually supplying me vitamins. And before you guys get all "well just take normal ones, sugar is bad for you" - I know, but I have a sweet tooth anyway. The dose is two gummies and I don't see any harm in that. Alas. Candy! Anyway, today I've got another polish from Rainbow Honey's Summer of 199X collection. If you haven't grabbed the collection yet, I highly recommend to do it up and head over to their shop. Also, this month's limited edition is Heisenberg and if it wasn't obvious how much I love Rainbow Honey, it should be obvious now because Breaking Bad is one of my most favourite shows ever!

So back to Rainbow Honey Mint Flavor - here's a copypasta from Rainbow Honey's shop: Part aqua, part baby blue, part shimmer, this was hands down the best window flavor. taste windows, right? That's about accurate. It's totally the aqua colour that reminds me of Windows 3.1 - when you could pick the colour of your desk from the 12 or so colours you could choose from. However, in Earthbound that colour is called Mint Flavor when you want to customize the colour of your dialogue boxes. Application and formula were good - two coats were needed to go to full opacity, and the formula went on smooth with the right amount of viscosity. Here's my swatch in two coats without top coat:

Rainbow Honey Mint Flavor Swatch

Rainbow Honey Mint Flavor Swatch

Rainbow Honey Mint Flavor Swatch

Rainbow Honey Mint Flavor in vanilla mode isn't that much. I wouldn't say it's the most unique polish I've ever seen but I still like it. To spice things up, I added Rainbow Honey I Miss You, which is also from The Summer of 199X collection. Here's one coat of it:

Rainbow Honey Mint Flavor Swatch (with Rainbow Honey I Miss You)

Rainbow Honey Mint Flavor Swatch (with Rainbow Honey I Miss You)

Rainbow Honey Mint Flavor Swatch (with Rainbow Honey I Miss You)

And because I like mixing things up a bit, here's another polish from Rainbow Honey's other summer collection from FAB. Here's one coat of Costa Del Sol over top with some Seche Vite:

Rainbow Honey Mint Flavor Swatch (with Rainbow Honey Costa Del Sol)

Rainbow Honey Mint Flavor Swatch (with Rainbow Honey Costa Del Sol)

Rainbow Honey Mint Flavor Swatch (with Rainbow Honey Costa Del Sol)

Rainbow Honey Mint Flavor Swatch (with Rainbow Honey Costa Del Sol)

And because I know some of you know all about my lusting for OPI Matte Top Coat over top of Costa Del Sol. Here it is matted:

Rainbow Honey Mint Flavor Swatch (with Rainbow Honey Costa Del Sol and OPI Matte Top Coat)

Rainbow Honey Mint Flavor Swatch (with Rainbow Honey Costa Del Sol and OPI Matte Top Coat)

Rainbow Honey Mint Flavor Swatch (with Rainbow Honey Costa Del Sol and OPI Matte Top Coat)

And LOL hand pose:

Rainbow Honey Mint Flavor Swatch (with Rainbow Honey Costa Del Sol and OPI Matte Top Coat)

Anyway I totally didn't expect to post this many photos for a single polish so I hope that's OK! Have you ever tried those gummy vitamins? Am I 5? Anyway, what do you think of Mint Flavor - are you into indie polish companies pumping out some basics for a full indie experience?


  1. I think taking gummy vitamins is perfectly fine. I've taken them before and hey if you don't like to take vitamins but you like gummy candy, why not! At least you are trying to be healthy. Anyway, I love Mint Flavor! It's one of my favorites in the collection. I think it's the right amount of blue and green. It's always great to have basics and if you are willing to spend the money on it, it's worth it in my opinion. Especially when you pair them with awesome glitters. I love it with both I Miss You and Costa Del Sol. Perfect combinations to take Mint Flavor to the next level. Side note: I can't wait to get Heisenberg! I've been watching Breaking Bad and I'm totally in love with the show. Also, did you see the other LEs? I'm so buying them and cutting myself off after that. :3

    1. I LOVE GUMMIES and I seriously am terrible about taking vitamins. I have a bottle of Centrum on my desk too but I always forget about it. The gummies always remind me because my sweet tooth needs to be kick started in the morning, haha!

      Mint Flavor and all the cremes are so great - I hope I am not hyping it up too much but I did a really cool nail art with them. I'm showing it off on Nail Art Monday. ;) I thought I'd like I Miss You over top of Mint Flavor and it's nice for a subtle effect but I can't wait to get I Miss You over top of something dark!

      The BronyCon limited editions? I will be jumping hard on that gun! Setting up an alarm and everything. I cannot miss any of those. I keep saying I'll cut myself off but I just know Rainbow Honey is going to come out with more great polishes, lol. Sigh but also <3

  2. Oh my, Mint Flavor is so beautiful! I'm still thinking of getting this collection (or at least parts of it :D ) so I'll have to stop thinking and get it lol.
    The toppers look gorgeous too :)

    1. I think this collection is so great. Especially for polish collectors with not a lot on their plate yet. The cremes aren't entirely unique but if you don't have anything like it - GOOD STUFF. The Kraken, Magic Cake have all been superb so far. I can't wait to try the other glitterbombs.

  3. Omg only 3 more days before BB returns! Or was it 4? I don't even know/care, I'm so fckn excited <3 IT IS UNHEALTHY HOW MUCH I'VE MISSED JESSE. Maybe I need gummy vitamins too, they sounds quite good. (We don't have stuff like that over here)

    Oh yeah, nail polish. I Miss You is fantastic. Minty colours are also fantastic. love!

    1. Jesse's character is the best. I can't believe they had plans to kill him off the end of season 1. The dynamic between Walter White and him are just amazing. It's just amazing television. I know I am not being bold when I say this but Breaking Bad is my favourite show ever. I've never seen a more well-acted, well-produced, well-shot, well-lit, well-everything shows in my entire life. Absolutely inspiring and mind bending. Have you ever seen the commentary? Highly recommend, just wow, that cast and crew bond so well and it shows because they have one HELL of a show.

  4. The one downside of the gummy vitamins (especially for us ladyfolk) is that none of them contain iron, but if that isn't a concern for you, then why not? I officially buy them for my 7 year old, but I admit to taking them when I don't feel like taking my big huge pills. You might want to check on the amount of calcium, too (they make calcium candies as well, just sayin')

    I'd have thought CdS would overwhelm Mint Flavor, but they're a really nice combination.

    1. I saw that there was a women's version in the store - I wonder if that had any iron? I just got these ones because they were on sale and I was curious about the taste - I am hooked! I love them. I just hope they're actually giving me nutrients. I don't care about the sugar content, haha.

      Costa Del Sol is awesome - I wish it was more widely available but ah well.

    2. My pediatrician seemed to think the iron interfered with the jelling action needed to make the candies. I think it might be because iron tends to make stuff taste like rusty nails (those iron-fortified liquid vitamin drops for babies taste SO BAD). But also iron overdose is the biggest risk when kids eat a bunch of vitamins, so it could just be for safety in case someone small gets into the bottle (which is also why bottles of children's Tylenol and the like are so small).

      I really liked all three of the summer set, and came super close to missing out on them because I was mostly off-line and only heard about them six hours before the official close time on Fab. THAT would have been super-sad making.

    3. I did see that there was a special women's formula for vita gummies so maybe I'll check to see if it has any iron content next time!

      I still don't like the idea of FAB exclusives. Seriously, as a Canadian, the shipping is SUUUUUCH a burn. I was really, really relieved when they put on those FAB galaxy inspired polishes on their website. I mean, asides exposure, I just wonder if there's any other benefit? Then again, I don't run a business!

  5. I absolutely looooove this one! I'm putting in an order this weekend and this one will be in it!

    Vitamin gummies, yummy! I've been taking pre-natals for over 2 years and I have to say that I've barely gotten sick since I started. My brother gets sick so often that I keep joking with him that he should start taking pre-natals too, lol!

    1. Chantal, you gotta get the Kraken!

      I have no idea what pre-natals are - should I? I'm female right? I suck at being a girl and I am totally anemic and low energy all the time.
